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Breast Augmentation In Essex County, New Jersey

Also Offering Breast Implants for Morris & Union Counties

Are you tired of trying on dresses, blouses and bathing suits that fit too loosely in the top area? Are you frustrated with your petite bust line and wish you could enhance it without the daily use of padded bras? You are not alone!

If you have an overall sound sense of self-confidence but are frustrated with one part of your appearance – the small size or asymmetrical nature of your breasts – undergoing breast augmentation cosmetic surgery with Dr. Erwin Bulan can help.

Essex County plastic surgeon specialist, Dr. Bulan, has treated many women throughout the Northern New Jersey area. He can help you achieve a more voluptuous or symmetrical bust line with breast augmentation surgery. Not only can he enhance your breasts, he can also correct breasts that are different sizes.

Even if you are a confident person, you may feel self-conscious about this specific aspect of your appearance. Why not let Dr. Bulan help you get the breasts you desire? At Bulan Plastic Surgery, we are leaders in breast augmentation surgery and can give you the full breasts you have always wanted.

Am I a Good Breast Augmentation Candidate?

Are you still interested in enhancing your breasts? At Bulan Plastic Surgery we believe in providing our patients with all of the information they need to make an educated decision as to whether breast augmentation is right for them. Dr. Bulan sees numerous breast augmentation candidates and has listed a few variables that make an excellent candidate:

  • Physically healthy
  • Not currently breastfeeding
  • Breasts are fully developed
  • Desire for bigger breasts
  • Realistic expectations
  • Possible asymmetrical breasts

Breast Implants: Where Do You Start?

Guess what? By researching breast enhancement surgery, you have already taken the first step in getting the figure of your dreams. Next, you may want to look at before-and-after photos of women who have undergone breast augmentation surgery. You can also peruse pictures of celebrities who have had their breasts surgically enhanced.

Now that you have a preliminary idea of what you would like your newly enhanced breasts to look like, your next step is to schedule a consultation appointment with a highly trained and experienced breast augmentation surgeon in Morris County, such as Dr. Bulan. During consultation, Dr. Bulan will review your breast enhancement treatment options, as well as the types of breast implants available using the latest in saline and cohesive gel silicone implants.

Keep in mind that breast augmentation in Morris County is a surgical procedure, so you must undergo this plastic surgery treatment with a well-qualified plastic surgeon to ensure optimal aesthetic results. Pursuing breast augmentation surgery with a cosmetic surgeon who is not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or who does not have a high patient-satisfaction rate will only increase your risk of unwanted plastic surgery complications, including undesirable results.

That is why pursuing breast surgery with Northern New Jersey breast augmentation plastic surgeon Dr. Bulan is an excellent option. He is a board-certified plastic surgeon with a decade of experience. Dr. Bulan has been named a Top Doctor by New Jersey Family magazine and Consumers Research Council. The compassionate plastic surgeon also received the Medical Society of New Jersey Physician’s Recognition Award. Not to mention, Dr. Bulan has a multitude of happy breast enhancement patients. What more could you ask for?

Choosing the Right Breast Implants

During consultation, Dr. Bulan will help you make an educated decision about the following breast augmentation choices:

  • Type of breast implants (i.e., saline or silicone, including “gummy bear” form-stable silicone implants)
  • Size
  • Shape (i.e., round or teardrop-shaped)
  • Texture (i.e., smooth or textured outer shell)
  • Placement of breast implants (i.e., under the breast tissue or under the chest muscle)
  • Placement of incisions (i.e., in the natural breast fold, on the areola, in the armpit or, less commonly, in the navel)

There are benefits and drawbacks to each of these options. Dr. Bulan will discuss all of them with you and recommend treatment options based on your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals.

Dr. Bulan typically performs breast augmentation surgery on an outpatient basis, under general anesthesia. The procedure generally takes one to three hours, depending on the complexity of your surgery and your desired outcome.

Breast Augmentation Procedure Techniques

Breast Augmentation in Essex County, New JerseyThere are three main incision locations used by breast augmentation surgeons, each involving a different technique:

Inframammary fold

Dr. Bulan makes the incision along the lower crease of the breast, where it meets the chest. This is the technique Dr. Bulan performs most often, because the scar hides easily in the inframammary fold and does not impede the lactating parts of the breast.

Peri-Areolar Incision

The incision is placed around the edge of the areola, where the scarring can blend in with the pigmentation. Its placement on the nipple makes it less advisable for women who plan to breastfeed in the future, but a good option for smaller breasts where an under-breast crease does not exist. This is also a great option for those interested in saline breast implants.

Trans-Axillary Incision

For this procedure, the incision is made in the armpits. The main advantage here is avoiding having scars on or around the breasts themselves. Many women do not prefer this placement, however, since they feel armpit scars will be more frequently seen when they wear sleeveless outfits than scars that are easily concealed by underwear.

The technique Dr. Bulan uses in your surgery will be agreed upon in advance of any surgery. The most popular incision site is the inframammary fold incision, followed by the peri-areolar incision. After examining your breasts and listening to your preferences during the consultation phase, Dr. Bulan will use his expertise to make an appropriate recommendation.



The cost of breast augmentation depends on multiple factors: the type of implant selected, the size of the implant and the technique utilized to perform the surgery. During the consultation phase you will develop a surgical plan with Dr. Bulan, after which Dr. Bulan will be able to provide you with an accurate cost breakdown. Financing options are available for patients who would like to make payments toward the full cost of the procedure.


Breast augmentation is a procedure that focuses on enlarging the breasts. If your breasts already sag, you will have larger sagging breasts following surgery. Fortunately, there is another procedure — breast lift — that can help you to achieve elevated, younger-looking breasts with raised nipples. Many women choose to combine breast lift and breast augmentation to create their ideal breasts. Discuss your goals with Dr. Bulan during a consultation, and he will devise a surgical plan to help you accomplish those goals.


Breast Implant Surgery in Northern New Jersey  Recently, the FDA found a potential link between textured breast implants and the development of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). Cases of breast implant-associated ALCL remain extremely rare. However, patients should be aware of ongoing research into this disease and seek regular physicals and mammograms, just as any woman without implants also would. Dr. Bulan continues to use only smooth breast implants that have not been found to have this association with ALCL. If you would like to learn more about ALCL, please feel free to bring it up with Dr. Bulan.



Breast Augmentation Recovery

An authorized adult must drive you to and from surgery, and should stay with you the first night following your breast augmentation procedure. You will notice that Dr. Bulan placed surgical bandages on the treated area after surgery. Once the bandages are removed, you must wear a surgical bra for several weeks to help minimize swelling and encourage proper healing.

During the recovery period, you should rest and avoid any strenuous activity. You must also abstain from exercising until Dr. Bulan advises otherwise. Any pain that you may experience following surgery can be treated with oral medication. Dr. Bulan will give you full instructions for pre- and post-operative care before your breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation Risks

As with any type of surgery, there are certain inherent risks. However, complications are rare, and Dr. Bulan takes every safeguard possible to minimize these risks. On your end, you should eat healthfully, avoid smoking and follow Dr. Bulan’s instructions carefully to help decrease any surgical risks.

Schedule a Breast Implant Consultation

Stop dreaming about having your ideal body, and get it now! You have already completed the first step toward achieving your goal of getting fuller, more voluptuous breasts. Now it is time to take the next step: contact Dr. Bulan by calling Bulan Plastic Surgery at (973) 467-9744 today. You may be surprised at how easy it is to get the bust line of your dreams!